Harry Potter lives on!

This article from the Time magazine looks at another aspect of Web 2.0.

Remus Lupin sat in the chair in the teacher’s lounge closest to the coffee booth. He stirred his magically around with a finger, taking a long sigh in and a long sigh out. He knew that tomorrow he would start feeling ill again (since it was only three days from the full moon), and he really didn’t feel like getting sick. He ran his fingers through his light brown hair and looked deep within the black, bitter coffee with a blank expression.

The work of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling will live on for generations to come. Only, those aren’t Rowling’s words. They’re Candeh’s, a writer on fanfiction.net who’s penned three books based on Harry Potter…..

The current craze around consumer-generated media didn’t start with Youtube, MySpace or even with blogging. Go back almost 600 years. In 1421, for example, John Lydgate, perhaps longing for just one more tale, wrote an obscure piece entitled The Siege of Thebes, a continuation of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The 1970s saw the dawn of fanzines, a pre-Internet form of user participation albeit distributed on mimeograph paper….

Can Google “Street View” Steal Your Soul?

There are several issues pertaining to our right for privacy and how this conflicts to with our right for freedom of speech. These discussions do become very confusing because it affects everyone of us personally and hence discussions can be subjective.

And then we have the factual elements:
1. pervasive and growing use of photography and CCTV
2. what happens to the output from (1)

Lauren has setup a discussion thread that has some active participation with differing viewpoints.

HP Seminarium – Om säkerhetslösningar och Business Continuity & Availability

I have my first speaking engagement in Stockholm on Tuesday – HP Seminarium – Om säkerhetslösningar och Business Continuity & Availability. Should be interesting, first time speaking with my HP hat on. I will be talking about Compliance -Information Security Systems Management (ISSM) Framework. The program says that I will take this in Swedish, but not feeling so fluent this week, so it will be in English. Maybe next time 😉
If you are there I look forward to seeing you.

Privacy and law: 10 ways to win public trust in a surveillance society

This is a clear article on the conflict between the DPA and surveillance that is prevalent. The fact is that the Data Protection Act is not strong enough to protect privacy in today’s surveillance society. In this article Dr Chris Pounder proposes 10 universal standards to buttress the Act and create balance whenever there is interference in private and family life.

Privacy and Facebook

Chris Kelly, 36, is the vice president and chief privacy officer of Facebook, a popular social-networking Web site with 28 million active users. He recently answered some questions about security and privacy issues for users of the site. You may find them interesting to see how privacy within the context of social networking is becoming a subject matter in its own right.