Rights of the Data Subject – Data Protection

Panopticon blog have given a really clear/concise description on the changes to the Subject Code of Practice. The Information Commissioner (.ico) published his new ‘Subject Access Code of Practice’ only yesterday.

What I was delighted to find were rights of data-subjects when in social media context to know how/if their data is being used outside of its original intention. Also that social networking sites need to provide some means for the data subject to request for this information. I was really pleased to find the rights of children included to demand the right of access…. read below that I’ve cut&paste from Panopticon blog.

“a child’s right of access – Data about a child belongs to that child, rather than to any parent or guardian. It is therefore the child which enjoys the right of access to their data, albeit that that right may be exercised on their behalf by their parent or guardian. A variety of considerations come into play when a data controller is asked to respond to a request made by a child directly”