Watch out for your identity – if you live in Sweden

Hopping mad you should be if you are a Swedish resident, after taking a visit here, and search for your name. This is against the Data Protection directive, of which Personuppgiftslagen (PUL) is the legal enactment of. I am so bored of asking to have my name removed, only for it to pop up again later, and now I see that it is impossible to remove your personal identifying information (PII) (… it is PUBLIC for all to see forever! What a smorgasbord for identity thieves!

I can see how old you are, where you live and the first 6 digits of 10 digits from your Swedish ID!

It seems to be that the Kreditupplysningslagen (KuL) has priority over PuL. In PuL you have a right to personal privacy. You should be informed who has had access, or even viewed your personal information. Now KuL does inform you when a request is made for your creditworthiness, but it doesn’t tell you about who has viewed your Personal Identifying Information (PII) through who they share your PII with, for example. Your PII includes your date of birth, where you live, etc…

Identity Theft
I am going to make an official compliant to the Datainspektion. If you are interested to add yourself to a petition to support me in this, please Like this Post here on the blog direct, or on LinkedIn or FB status update, wherever you happen to pick this up.