Nelsonian blindness and Consent

1130702.largethumbA really great post on Panopticon legal blog (again :-))

Apparently Optical Express (OE) has been sending SMS messages to individuals who had not opted-in to this service. In fact 4,600 registered concern on OEs marketing practices. It’s pretty interesting as OE seems to be blind to the fact that they have not received explicit consent, they claim that it was sufficient that Thomas Cook, who stated that personal data would be shared, with whom, or how much, etc., is not made clear in the statement.

I have to make a quote from the post, as the author seems to be a lawyer with a sense of humour…

“OE appears not to have seen any problem with texting people who had never previously dealt with it, believing they had sufficient consent. Whether their laser eye surgery offers would have assisted this possible case of Nelsonian blindness is unclear.”

Read post on Panopticon blog