GDPR pingball

I feel as though I’m in the middle of a ping-ball machine with all legal parties -on behalf of their clients/controllers mainly- are busy sending DPAs to all the processors. And many of the processors who are also controllers are scratching their heads, wondering what to do with these agreements. Wondering what they are? Controller or processor? This is all very confusing for those who haven’t yet started, or have only just started this year!

Face recognition Facebook

Should I be disappointed that Facebook still hasn’t understood the ‘Privacy by Default’ principal in Privacy by Design? The user shouldn’t need to do anything to protect their privacy!

No, of course they don’t, why waste my energy ranting on this!? Just now when accepting the new privacy policy, it enabled as the default ‘facial recognition’ when I was going through this on my mobile device. Maybe I was clumsy in clicking Accept, but it was easier to click this button rather than the No choice. I then needed to find the setting and switch off. It wasn’t difficult, just annoying.