Today I committed FaceBook suicide! – Part 2

2518864-8236474736-tombsA followup to my post of 21 May where I discussed not only the FB suicide, but how I did it. The question is: How am I coping since committing FB suicide? The question popped up when I had some time today to check my LinkedIn feed. It was Shared from Wired (I’m Quitting Social Media to Learn What I Actually Like).

So how am I coping? The answer is ‘very well, thank you’ 😉

I have some friends in my new anonymised FB profile. Although clearly I will never achieve anonymity so long as I have connections to friends. Nevertheless although I have few friends, my feed was filling up again….. panic! Not that I’m not interested in what my FB (and now only physical) friends are up too, it’s just I would prefer to choose when I check them out. You know when I have an hour to spare one evening, with a cup of my favourite tea, sitting in my favourite couch 🙂

So I unfollowed all my FB friends. It is a dream, I now have the advantages of FB without the intrusions on my life. No adverts, as I’ve clicked nothing outside of my direct FB friends, and no feeds, except those that really interest me, e.g. data protection commission. It is lovely, sometimes I am thinking, I wonder what so-and-so is up to nowadays? Then I take a look, but only if I have the luxury of time and I’m in the mood 😀