New Federal Data Protection Act in Mexico

Mexico’s Senate on Tuesday unanimously approved the Federal Data Protection Act. The law establishes the rights and principles of data protection in the private sector. According to Mr. M. Jorge Yanez V., a partner at the law firm of Barrera, Siqueiros y Torres Landa, S.C. in Mexico City, on April 13, 2010, the Mexican Chamber of Deputies has passed a bill that has become the country’s new Federal Law of Protection of Personal Information. Read more at Hunton & Williams privacy blog…

Hence this means that although personal data in Mexico first emerged in the shadow of the right to access public information it is now recognised as a fundamental constitutional right. To understand more about the background on right for personal privacy in Mexico you can read this essay at, edited by the data protection agency of Madrid and in English 🙂

Another change of privacy policy by Facebook

From one of Jack’s twitters 🙂

U.S. lawmakers told Facebook on Tuesday they were concerned about changes in its privacy policy that would allow personal information to be viewed by more than friends, and options on other websites that would allow third parties to save information about Facebook users and friends. Read more at the Washington Post.

RHUL Alumni Reunion Conference 2010

I don’t have many speaking engagements this year with a beautiful baby daughter to be distracted with 🙂 One I did have was last week at BCS Guildford in the U.K., that had to be cancelled unfortunately due to my flight being cancelled on preceding day. So my apologies to those that were planning to be there! My visit will be rescheduled for later this year.

However my next engagement in the U.K. will be at the beginning of July at the Royal Holloway Alumni Reunion Conference. I look forward to the networking with my esteemed RHUL colleagues. It will be a fun few days and I hope those of you that are visitors to Virtual Shadows blog are able to be there, there is a lot of catching up to do, and beers/wine to consume 😛

The programme for the event can be found here.

Google suckage ratio counts!

A ratio that is calculated that gives some indication of the online reputation of organisations using statistics. Read more at

You take the number of mentions, against the number of negative reports and from this you get a suckage ratio. If you list several companies you can rank them against each other. For example HP ranks higher than IBM in the following calculations done by my esteemed HP colleague Eoin Fleming:

Your online reputation matters!

I heard on the Swedish news today that the SEB bank is paying a company to clean and enhance the online presence of their VP. This includes paying a fee to increase Google ranking for positive information over negative.

This type of service is growing and not surprisingly. Read my article in The Hindu on the ‘publications’ tab to read more in my opinions here.

Spontaneous travel

I felt inspired today as I drove north on the roads of Sweden following cancellation of my flight to the UK in Wednesday this week thanks to Iceland’s volcano.

So there was cancelled many activities: a speaking engagement at BCS Guildford, a visit to my family, a couple of days at Infosec, the list goes on.

So here I am instead staying at a hotel halfway to Funasdalen to visit my Swedish family. I normally just take the drive in a single day, but with a baby in the car and alone it made sense to make it more fun!

It was a spontaneous decision. My husband sent me the link of this hotel. Whilst sitting on the ferry to the mainland I copied it into my browser on my iPhone to get their home page. I copied their phone number into my phone and made the booking for a single night. Then I copied the address into my GPS which told me 3.5 hours to get there and which roads -as if I didn’t already know 😉 all in 7 minutes.

I love my iPhone! It really beats the days when I’d be leafing through my Michelin Guide and the paper road map, when I lived on the continent. I wonder if the Michelin Guide gone mobile yet? It doesn’t look like it on their site.

Inspiration for the mobile workforce today, for the future

This is where I see the future in mobile computing. Apple’s iPad that accommodates the mobile workforce, and the apps application that makes it easy to download company approved apps onto your device, and this combined with the Google Chrome approach, everything Internet-based in that cloud.

Take a look at Wired article by Steven Levy on the release of the iPad, and the following promotional video. Be, and feel inspired 🙂


Privacy commissioners vs. Google

Oh dear, Google is in trouble…. they have been -surprise, surprise- criticized by privacy commissioners around the world on their privacy, or lack of privacy practices 😉

Read more at The New York Times. btw. I need to thank Jack for his tweet on this 🙂

Digital mortality

I heard an interview on the radio last week about how terminally ill are blogging about their disease and how it’s affecting them. I thought about the post from Karen previously, on digital immortality, and thought that this might have some relevance to that.

There is a pretty brief article on the subject in one of the news papers (there’s also the audio from the radio show, but that’s all in Swedish). The interview was with one relative to a cancer victim who passed away a year ago and with the author of a book (Sabina och draken) about this patients blog and what happens outside of her blog. In the interview they  do mention the fact that some of these blogs are continued after the subject has passed away (as is the case of this patients blog). It also points to the fact that these blogs can be an excellent way of making the subjects life easier if they gain positive followers/readers. On the flip side it would be pretty depressing to write your heart out in your blog and find that no one cares. Or worse, that you’ve managed to attract the worst of the internet…

There’s also a comment on how it migt affect the professional care of a patient, if the nurses and doctors are reading the blog (I would say that it will affect it in some way, but that you cannot be sure how).